In motion

'Superman' was our first video back in 2008, during the 'Greenhouse' area.
Filmed and cut by Y. Asnafy.

A live shot of  'Leave', filmed at the Levontin 7 club in Tel Aviv, during our first gig in 2009.We've released for this occasion our first double single, which included both 'Leave' and 'Stock market' .This video was taken from a fan's camera....

As 'Greenhouse' , we've opened up the inDnegev annual festival in 2009, and got remarked by Anova music publishing. This video was composed by Ofer Haim, our guitarist, from different pictures of the gig:

In November of the same year, at the Tmu-na theater in Tel Aviv, 'My house', was shooted live at what was recalled of one of the gig of that year:

Since, we've left Tel Aviv for a couple of show out of town, by first collaborating with BPM school of music by taking part to the promo tour for their artists music compilation, and then playing for two festivals in Jerusalem, and Hertzelya:

Concentrating on our sound, and self production, we've been working on our first album during this year of 2010. We finalized the group's count to four persons, and worked with Nati Patishi whose been a mentor and guide in production.
Along with work, we keep playing live once at month, everytime in some place else.
Here's a couple of tracks which are yet to be recorded:


'Start here'
